
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ites Massive- Ooklah the Moc

This has become one of my favorite reggae albums over the past couple years, it delivers the perfect uplifting vibrations every time. I first heard of Ooklah the Moc when I was visiting my sister who lives on the Big Island of Hawai'i, and it will always conjure memories of relaxing at the beach drinking young coconuts fresh off the tree and eating the most delicious mangos in the world.

Named after the character Ookla the Mok from Thundarr the Barbarian, the slightly differently spelled Ooklah the Moc from Palolo Valley, Hawai'i sets a very relaxed and irie mood with their downtempo roots reggae that has a unique island feel to it. Breaking into dub at just the right times, the 8-piece band led by Ras Bird on vocals takes you on a very personal journey with deep instrumentals and conscious lyrics. Definitely the perfect album to sit back, twist one up to, and enjoy some nice chill time.

This is the opening track and one of my favorite songs from the album:

So there they are, probably on of the most underrated reggae bands I've ever had the pleasure of listening to. Grab Ites Massive, and sit back, relax and enjoy life.